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Vickie Rigsby @ CulinaryClique.com
Hi, my name is Vickie Rigsby. I started CulinaryClique.com as a way to share what I have learned over the years in the kitchen. This span begins with my mom calling me from work asking me to start dinner to owning and operating my own studio kitchen business to a working mom wanting to keep family mealtime alive.

Through CulinaryClique.com, I want to share tips, tricks and recipes that will start or add to everyday in your kitchen. I truly hope that you will find something helpful for you and your family here. If I can ever help you in any way, please don't hesitate to send an email to vickie [at] CulinaryClique.com or you can find me on Twitter @VickieRigsby.

In addition to CulinaryClique.com, I also co-host the Life In the Internet Podcast, a weekly tech and Internet podcast with my husband, jtrigsby.You can find those podcasts on his site, jtrigsby.com.



PS -- You can also find me on...

Vickie Kramitz Rigsby on Facebook Vickie Rigsby on Twitter CulinaryClique photos on Flickr